Muscle building exercises are more efficient when boosted by arginine-based HGH supplements. Here is what a simple bench press routine can do for reducing body fat percent and building lean body mass.
The landmark book, Grow Young with HGH, by Dr. Ronald Klatz and Carol Kahn, cites a story by Sandy Shaw to show how powerful HGH supplements with L-arginine can be. As the story goes, Sandy had broken her foot. As a strong advocate of boosting HGH levels for healing, she decided to take her own advice to see how well she could treat her broken foot.
Her strategy was to take 10 grams of arginine per day on an empty stomach, then do three minutes of bench pressing about 45 minutes to an hour later. This is simple as it gets for muscle building exercises.
However, the result was pretty amazing. Within six weeks Sandy had dropped 25 pounds of fat and put on 5 pounds of muscle. In other words, she achieved the dream of all fitness gurus: reduced body fat percent and more lean body mass.
This is just a little story that I wanted to share with you so you can see what the potential is for raising your own HGH levels and what benefits you can expect from doing so.
One thing that this story makes me wonder about is the daily inflammation that Sandy caused by working out every 24 hours. The research by Doug McGuff for Body by Science clearly shows the importance of at least a 7-day recovery period for rebuilding muscle tissue after a total workout.
I suppose that the contrasting variables here are that Sandy’s workout was not total (bench press only) and that the anti-inflammatory action of elevated HGH ameliorated at least some of the inflammatory load from her brief workout. Since this is just a ‘case-study’ it doesn’t really qualify as experimental research per se.
Nevertheless, it gives me enough incentive to do a little self-experiment, too. How about you?
By the way…
The best books that I know of for showing you how to stay fit with quick, simple, at-home workouts are the Lightning Speed Fitness Program by Roger Haeske and the Fit Over 40 for Women by Brett Yokley. Roger and Brett also throw in lots of bonus books on diet, exercise, and lifestyle when you purchase their books. Click on images below for details.

All the best in natural health,
Dr. D