Sexual enhancement herbs are part of a battle raging in the fields of sexual enhancement and sexual dysfunctions. Pharmaceutical companies at the moment are winning the battle – even with their questionable side effects and the fact that some people can’t even use their products.
The new kids on the block are the herbal enhancement product companies who believe that herbs will eventually take over the fields of sexual enhancement and sexual dysfunction. This is simply because they have no side effects and the majority of the population can take them.
But let’s be honest. There is quite a bit to be concerned about safety even in the field of herbal products. Many herbal companies take advantage of the fact that there’s very little FDA regulation on herbs. The same chemicals that are in pharmaceutical products have often been found in herbal products.
With companies like Bayer, Eli Lilly, and Pfizer on the playing field, the herbal companies have a long way to catch up. But it appears that their products have an advantage over the pharmaceuticals drugs. Herbs work for more than 90% of the people who use them and rarely cause more than a slight headache or nasal congestion as a side effect.
Hopefully herbal products will soon be the norm in the United States just as it is in many European countries. Only time will tell for sure and chances are the big companies will probably just buy out the herbal companies or create their own.
Sexual enhancement herbs update,
Dr. D
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