COVID-19 and 5G wireless communications may seem like strange bedfellows. The nasty surprise is that they are closely linked, and it’s not a good thing for us. WARNING: This post is a bit technical and a little longish. There are no two ways around it. That’s what happens when scientists get – well, all science-y.
Understanding this topic, at least in part, is the foundation for you to decide what you can do for protecting yourself and your family from a growing and silent onslaught that puts all life on Earth at risk. (It’s not COVID-19.)
If that seems a little over-the-top dramatic, then read on and see why I say it.
First, though, a few words of encouragement. This is a super important topic that everyone should know about. Read whatever parts you can grasp. Any little bit will help.
Just keep in mind the immortal words of Rob Schneider in a number of movies (The Waterboy, Little Nicky, 50 First Dates, The Longest Yard, and Bedtime Stories):
Just stick with it. And feel free to ask questions in the comments section at the end of this article.
Before We Start … Ignore All the Bloviating
Online commentary about the link between COVID-19 and 5G wireless communications is all over the map. Most of it is thoughtless bunk. People, as is their wont, have opinions. Facts sometimes just get in the way. (If you haven’t been gobsmacked by rampant displays of cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias on social media yet, then you haven’t been paying attention.)
What’s worse is all the purposeful disinformation dumped on us by moneyed interests. This mainly means wireless communications companies. Oh, and Bill Gates. And Elon Musk. And our government. And our military. That’s just a short list of who’s got their fingers in this mega-lucrative pie.
The wireless communications industry is a monster. They’ve got all the power and moola needed to stamp out ‘conspiracy theories’ about the harm that ‘non-native electromagnetic fields’ (nnEMFs), including 5G radiofrequencies, do to us.
They’ve even taken lessons from the tobacco industry playbook. Lobbying congress (aka, ‘buying legislators’) and funding research (aka, ‘buying scientists’) are standard operating procedures.
Bought legislators ram through all manner of legislative machinations for driving the expansion of technology, without a whiff of health risk assessment.
Bought scientists conduct research that conveniently shows no harm from nnEMFs to human health.
Rather than go off on a tangent about all of that, I’ll just point you to a book that shows in detail how health research on nnEMFs gets squashed when it conflicts with economic interests. It’s Going Somewhere: Truth about a Life in Science by Dr. Andrew A. Marino [1].
Dr. Marino is a rare combination of research scientist and courtroom lawyer, who fought his share of legal battles against power companies. He advocated for people whose health was damaged by non-native energies. Stories of his experiences are, in the immortal words of Commander Spock, “Fascinating.”
His book is a real eye-opener. I highly recommend it. It sets the stage for how we got to this point in the battle between military-industrial-corporate interests and humanity.
One more thing. I’ve always advised others about the value of a good BS detector. That’s your best weapon against all the bloviating out there about 5G wireless. Be sure to keep yours turned up to ‘high sensitivity’ when you dig into this topic.
That includes what I am writing in this article!
Setting the Stage for 5G
Quick question: How would you like to be a guinea pig in ‘experiments’ on the biological effects of 5G?
This might come as a surprise: You don’t have a say in it. You are already a guinea pig in an uncontrolled experiment that has been ongoing since the early part of the 20th century. That’s when technology really started ramping up artificial electromagnetic fields. Radiofrequencies in the 5G range are just the latest iteration of this experiment.
The use of nnEMFs has accelerated to the point where we are currently exposed to more than 500-fold the amount of human-generated radiofrequencies than anyone faced in the early 1900s. And it’s accelerating fast.
All this without forethought about biological consequences.
Setting the stage for the biological effects of nnEMFs started in earnest in the 1960s. The lead scientist, Dr. Robert O. Becker, laid the foundation for understanding bioelectromagnetism. In brief, this refers to the electromagnetic fields that our bodies generate as well as the effects of external fields on our internal EM systems.
At first mainstream medicine looked askance at the concept that we humans are electromagnetic beings. Views changed grudgingly when diagnostic machines became available for evaluating our two most powerful internal EM emitters – the heart and the brain. You know these tools now as EKGs (electro-cardiograms) and EEGs (electro-encphalograms).
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) also capitalizes on the quantum mechanical behaviors of protons in our body’s internal water. Protons respond by flipping their energies when exposed to certain radiofrequencies perpendicular to a magnetic field. (For all you geeks out there, this behavior relies on hydrogen’s quantum spin number of one-half. Now there’s some cool trivia to impress your friends with.)
In other words, we are electromagnetic beings. So are all other organisms on Earth.
If you’re up for more reading ‘assignments’ about this subject, I recommend three of Becker’s books as excellent background material [2-4]. His 1990 book is particularly prescient regarding the adverse effects of electropollution that we are experiencing now. In addition, James Oschman [5] presents a fascinating update of the benefits of electromedicine via life-appropriate energies.
Mother Nature’s Experiment
For the super-curious – we became electromagnetic beings by evolving in an electromagnetic environment. One of the main EM components of this environment is sunshine. The sun’s energies comprise a range of frequencies (the spectrum), wavelengths (radiation), and photon energies (light). We know them as ionizing radiations (x-rays, gamma rays), “light” in the UV, visible, and infrared regions, and radiowaves. Ionizing radiations and UVC light don’t reach the Earth’s surface. All other parts of the EM spectrum hit us throughout the day.
Our natural EM environment also includes two main kinds of magnetic fields. One, the geomagnetic field, is generated by electric currents originating by the motion of convection currents of molten iron (the moving magnet) in the Earth’s core.
The other is an oscillating field with a fundamental frequency of 7.83 Hz (cycles per second). It’s excited by electric currents generated by lightning. This field occurs because the space between the surface of the Earth and its conductive ionosphere form a resonant cavity for EM waves in the ELF (“extremely low frequency”) band between about 3 Hz and 30 Hz.
These are the fields in which we evolved. These are the fields guiding every single aspect of our existence. They are the natural EM fields that we are built for.
Now let’s look into what happens when we are exposed to human-made EM fields. As you will see, artificial EM fields interfere with our normal bioelectromagnetic systems. Regarding COVID-19, just one of the consequences is an increased susceptibility to infectious disease.
In my ebook, Surprising Truths Behind the Coronavirus Pandemic, I talk about the case against what modern medicine calls, “The Germ Theory of Disease.” It turns out that the core premise of this theory – i.e., that germs cause infectious disease – presents an incomplete story of what microbes do.
A more important factor is how vulnerable a potential host is to an opportunistic microbe. This is the basis for the “Terrain Theory.” This theory holds that the susceptibility of the host determines infectiousness, not the microbe.
Arguments about these two views have been going on since the late 19th century. Currently modern medicine is stuck to the Germ Theory with the equivalent of intellectual Gorilla Glue. Nevertheless, medical folks refer to the Terrain Theory indirectly by citing “people at risk” for infection. In other words, people with poor health terrain. This group commonly includes the elderly, diabetics, and those with high blood pressure or cancer.
Disease resistance should, therefore, focus on making the at-risk groups healthy, not just on microbes. Without addressing the health status (terrain) of potential hosts, focusing on drug treatments and vaccines is short-sighted.
As you’ll see below, this is exactly where 5G wireless frequencies hit the bullseye. They increase susceptibility to infection.
Linking Artificial and Biological Electronics
The ‘smoking gun’ behind this link is the list of well-documented disorders caused by or made worse by artificial EM fields. The short list includes:
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular disease
- Memory and learning deficits
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Chronic fatigue
- Susceptibility to infectious disease
Digging into the research on this link can be overwhelming. If you’re really interested, a group of concerned scientists has done all the groundwork for you. Their report is free online here: Bioiniative 2012: A Rationale for Biologically-based Exposure to Standards for Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation. Take heed, though. Reading through this report will keep you up at night.
Earlier versions of Bioinitiative 2012 began in 2007. It now consists of 21 sections contributed by 29 authors. Updates since the first edition have included thousands of additional research references.
The report is often updated, as stated on that homepage. When you download it, be prepared to handle a large file. The document I received is 1,557 pages long, taking up more than 20 megabytes.
Based on the Bioiniative report, bolstered with additional recent reviews, we now have a clear picture of how microwave radiation wreaks havoc on our health in many ways.
As of the beginning of 2020, the first-known list of adverse biological effects includes the following:
- DNA single and double strand breaks and altered gene expression
- Oxidative damage, especially to mitochondrial DNA
- Increased blood brain barrier leakage
- Increased brain glucose metabolism
- Generation of stress proteins
- Changes in cellular free radical activity
- Heating of DNA (even though there is insufficient energy to heat tissue)
- Alteration of heart rhythms
- Altered stem cell development
- Damage to the endocrine system
- Reduction in melatonin levels
- Suppression of the immune system
Hopefully, you’ve noticed that I bolded the immune system effects in this list, just as I did for susceptibility to infectious disease in the previous list. These are, after all, interrelated.
Indeed, the most telling part of the report regarding COVID-19 documents the damaging effects of nnEMFs on our immune system. It’s Section 8, Evidence for Effects on the Immune System Supplement 2012: Immune System and EMF RF. (That link is for the pdf file of the entire section. It’s only 24 pages long and just over 500 kilobytes.)
This is the most important section in the entire report for explaining how exposure to nnEMFs led to ground zero for the current pandemic. It is the basis for how COVID-19 started in Wuhan, China, and continues to spread throughout the world at what seems like lightning speed.
This list is a good starting point for exploring just HOW nnEMFs work to harm us.
Oh, Those Picky Scientists
Research on health effects of nnEMFs has been a bit like finding a smoking gun. The ‘smoke’ points to the health-level damage by nnEMFs.
Scientists are a bit picky (actually a LOT picky) when patterns like this emerge. We want to know HOW something works before we accept it. This is what we call hunting for mechanisms of action. This would be the equivalent of finding bullets for the smoking gun.
Now we have them for the biological effects of nnEMFs.
One of the main mechanisms has been explored by Dr. Martin Pall at Washington State University [6-11]. What he and his colleagues have discovered is summarized in the following chart. (I’ll explain each step just below the image.)
What kind of mechanism can possibly link all of these? Here’s how it works as shown in the image above.
Step 1. A cell is exposed to nnEMFs.
Step 2. These EMFs have perhaps their greatest impact on membrane voltage – i.e., the electrical potential across a membrane. Membrane voltages control the flow of ions (electrical currents) through the membrane. The primary ions are calcium (Ca2+), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and chloride (Cl–).
The most EMF-sensitive of these ion channels is the calcium channel. Step 2 above points to the response of these so-called ‘voltage-gated calcium channels’ (VGCCs). Their main response is a loss of control of ion flow. The calcium channel remains continuously open. The immediate result is membrane leakiness – in this case of calcium.
Uncontrolled ion leaks are never a good thing. The worst possible ion for elevated leaks is calcium, based on its phenomenal range of effects. Basically, you never want too much calcium where it shouldn’t be.
Step 3. Excess intracellular calcium induces the enzyme, nitric oxide synthetase, thereby elevating the internal concentration of nitric oxide. All by itself, this may not seem so bad until you get to step 4.
Step 4.This is one of the main ‘pathophysiological’ (damaging) responses of a wide open VGCC. Excess nitric acid is bled off by the formation of peroxynitrite and its byproducts. Peroxynitrite byproducts are highly inflammatory ROS (reactive oxygen species) and RNS (reactive nitrogen species).
This is where the rubber meets the road for cellular damage. All of the consequences of exposure to nnEMFs listed above can be explained by this process. Just one of those consequences is – you guessed it – immune system dysfunction. And its close buddy, susceptibility to infectious disease.
There’s a lot more to it than that, of course. Looking over Dr. Pall’s articles is one place to get more details. If you’d rather watch Dr. Pall explain it, I’ve also included the link to a video of him providing extensive explanations about this mechanism and the evidence for it [12].
By the way, if we weren’t focusing on immune system effects, we might be looking deeper into neurological disorders. Disrupting VGCCs has a greater impact on where we have the greatest concentration of them – in the brain. That’s a scary thought for another day.
A Potential Treatment
Interestingly, VGCCs respond to drugs called calcium channel blockers. They do what the name says: they block calcium ion transport through VGCCs. These drugs stop or at least slow down calcium leakage.
There are about 20 of these drugs now. They are prescribed mostly for cardiovascular issues: high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, cerebral vasospasm (common cause of death after rupture of brain aneurysms), and chest pain due to angina pectoris.
A recently described side effect of calcium channel blockers is their ability to block the effects of nnEMFs on VGCCs. This makes perfect sense in light of how nnEMFs ruin cellular calcium balance.
Now, whether calcium channel blockers will ever be approved as treatments for nnEMF damage remains to be seen. I’m a little doubtful about this happening, since the medical powers that be would have to acknowledge the role of nnEMFs in disease. There’s a lot of mainstream medical resistance to that change in thinking, so don’t hold your breath.
Nevertheless, the idea is starting to float around [13,14]. Keep your fingers crossed!
About COVID-19 and 5G
Prior to 5G, health research entailed studying the impact of microwaves in the 4G range and below. These center around 2.4 GHz (i.e., 2.4 billion cycles per second). Frequencies in the 5G range span about to 24-72 GHz.
SIDENOTE: The high end of 5G is fast approaching the 96 GHz frequency used by the U.S. Army for weaponized crowd control – aka, its “Active Denial System.” Just some food for thought.
The higher 5G frequencies occur in wavelengths that are long enough to now be called “millimeter” waves (mmWaves) instead of microwaves.
The impact of mmWaves is much greater due to their higher frequencies. It has nothing to do with energy levels (radiofrequencies are ultra-low energy waves) or with power levels. Engineers often cite the low power of mmWaves for explaining away their biological effects.
What they don’t seem to grasp is that the RF effects on our cells are non-linear. This just means that a tiny bit of exposure to a stimulus (nnEMFs) causes a gigantic response.
What Does This Have to Do With Wuhan, China?
I’ll shorten this story and refer you to my ebook [15] for more details.
The basics are that the bioterrain of residents in Wuhan was already stressed by their living conditions. Crowded city. Skies darkened by uncontrolled air pollution. Near-complete indoor living under artificial lighting. All of these individually are big blows to immunity. Respiratory disease was already rampant.
As of December, 2019, the wireless industry in China exploded with the rollout of about 10,000 5G base stations in Wuhan alone. Living in Wuhan was like a tinderbox, and 5G was the match that lit it up. It became a bonfire leading to a worldwide pandemic.
Other big cities in China soon followed suit. Big cities in every nation started to go down like dominoes. Virtually all of them experienced big 5G rollouts.
Did 5G cause COVID-19? No.
Did 5G have an impact on the origin and spread of COVID-19? Yes.
Now you know at least some of the high points behind this story. You’ll probably never hear a news broadcast that gets this right. Can you even imagine Norah O’Donnell of CNN even mentioning COVID-19 and 5G in the same breath, except to disparage ‘conspiracy theories’ behind such a link?
Is there a mainstream journalist anywhere who can talk intelligently about non-native electromagnetic fields or voltage-gated calcium channels?
Do you think that Dr. Anthony (‘The Vaccine Guy’) Fauci even knows about it?
The answers to all these questions are: ain’t gonna happen and probably not.
One of the ironies is that so-called ultra-modern hospitals are using 5G technology for all kinds of diagnostics, especially in ICUs. This is the worst possible thing to do for patients whose VGCCs are already malfunctioning. Hospitals have never been a good place for healing. Now they are much, much worse.
COVID-19 and 5G – Tip of the Iceberg
The link between COVID-19 and 5G wireless frequencies is becoming clearer almost day by day. My “long” essay here is actually too brief to cover all the ins and outs completely. Nevertheless, the information herein provides some explanation for why COVID-19 got started in earnest in Wuhan toward the end of 2019.
Basically, a virus showed up, people were already predisposed to respiratory disorders, and 5G made everything worse. BOOM … a pandemic was launched.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If Elon Musk has his way – and all bets are that he will – SpaceX will get government approval to launch 4,028 low orbit satellites for broadcasting high frequency radiowaves over the whole planet. There will be no escaping this nnEMF bath.
There are, however, many things you can do to protect yourself. Since this article is going a bit long, I’ll present a follow-up post with some suggestions on how to do so.
Stay tuned!
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D
- Marino, A.A. 2010. Going Somewhere: Truth about a Life in Science. Cassandra Publishing, Belcher, LA.
- Becker, R.O. and A.A. Marino. 1982. Electromagnetism and Life. Cassandra Publishing, Belcher, LA.
- Becker, R.O. and G. Selden. 1985. The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life. William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York, NY.
- Becker, R.O. 1990. Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution, the Promise of Electromedicine. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin Press, New York, NY.
- Oschman, J.L. 2016. Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, 2nd edition. Elsevier Publishing, New York, NY.
- Pall, M.L. 2013. Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. J Cell Mol Med. (8): 958-965.
- Pall, M.L. 2013. The NO/ONOO-cycle as the central cause of heart failure. Int J Mol Sci. 14(11): 22274-22330.
- Pall, M.L. 2015. Scientific evidence contradicts findings and assumptions of Canadian Safety Panel 6: microwaves act through voltage-gated calcium channel activation to induce biological impacts at non-thermal levels, supporting a paradigm shift for microwave/lower frequency electromagnetic field action. Rev Environ Health. 30(2): 99-116.
- Pall. M.L. 2016. Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression. J. Chem. Neuroanat. 75 (Part B): 43-51.
- Pall, M.L. 2018. Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health. Environ Res. 164: 405-416.
- Pall, M.L. and J.D. Satterlee. 2001. Elevated nitric oxide/peroxynitrite mechanism for the common etiology of multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Ann N Y Acad Sci 933: 323-329.
- Is The 5G Network Hazardous To Your Health? With Dr. Martin L. Pall. The Talk Spot, July 20, 2019. <.li>
- Zhang, L. et al. 2020. Calcium channel blocker amlodipine besylate is associated with reduced case fatality rate of COVID-19 patients with hypertension. medRxiv (preprint) April 14.
- Balasubramanyam, M. 2020. COVID-19: Is it time to revisit the research on calcium channel drug targets? EMJ Diabet. 2020;DOI/10.33590/emjdiabet/200608
- Clark, D. 2020. Surprising Truths Behind the Coronavirus Pandemic (ebook).
I truly appreciate the information you provided in this article. It’s such a blessing to hear the truth finally! Your words ring true to me. I pray that you keep on letting us know these truths even during these uncertain times.
Hi, Angela: Finding your kind comment this morning already made my day! I will, indeed, keep doing my best to uncover truths that are not routinely presented to the public. Take care!
Great info. Definitely looking forward to your second email.
Alright, Dave! I guess I better get to work on it ASAP! (Actually, I already have.) My next installment will be coming to you soon.
Hi Dr. Clark. I have been following you for years and appreciate and respect your knowledge in many areas. My son, who has no medical background, but has extensively researched “conspiracy theories”, advised me to start taking Selenium for 5G exposure.
What is your opinion on this advice? Thank you!
Hi, Denise: Your son is on the leading edge of good general approaches to replacing what most people are deficient in. Yes, selenium is one of those minerals that fits this category. Others are magnesium, zinc, and iodine. Personally, I take ca. 5 grams of sea salt every day, which gives me a wide variety of microminerals. Then I add Mg, Se, Zn, and I to it. As far as defense against 5G goes, these are generally beneficial, although not directly. Zinc is probably the most important one vs the coronavirus, since this virus disrupts zinc signaling. Watch for my next blog post, where I’ll specifically address what you can do to protect yourself against 5G and other nnEMFs. Oh, and thank you so much for your encouraging comments.
According to most of the Countries of Southamerica have very little 5g coverage some countries no 5g at all but according to the WHO ( it has many Covid19 Deaths/100.00 Population.
Europe has 5g everywere but in some countries less Deaths/100.00 Population compared to South-America.
Yes, hmmm, indeed, Bernd. Data like that are informative if only to point to many potential causes for them. It’s always a challenge to dissect out what’s behind patterns like that. Thanks for your input. Be well!