Using a natural disinfectant around the house means less toxicity for you, your family, and your pets. Some natural products are better than others. The easiest and most cost-effective are homemade. Here is what you must know.
Homemade Natural Disinfectant vs. Store Brand
Want to disinfect your home but want the best product for the job? Here’s the scoop on homemade natural disinfectant vs. store bought.
Key Point To Keep In Mind
Whatever recipe you use for making a natural disinfectant can be changed to include different ingredients. The importance of this point is that you can keep microbes on their toes and prevent them from adapting into household superbugs when you change things up every once in a while. You don’t want to be in the position that hospitals have got themselves into, where only the strongest disinfectants have any chance of working, and only the strongest superbugs thrive.
All the best for a natural disinfectant,
Dr. D
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Thanks, Anyimar. That’s always a challenge when referring to other sites. They’re not permanent.