Surprise! Your blood plasma contains natural antiviral drugs. Your body makes them. One in particular gets almost no attention. Yet it is one of the most powerful weapons you have for battling infectious disease.
Well-Known Internal Antiviral “Drugs”
The focus in this article is what your body already does – or should be doing – for preventing infectious disease from ruining your health. You are not defenseless against microbes, including the latest coronavirus outbreak.
No need to worry about exposure to microbes. Worrying is not productive. The fact is, you are exposed to all manner of microbes everywhere you go.
The question shouldn’t be, how can you avoid exposure to the current coronavirus? In all likelihood, you will be exposed. A better question is, what can you do to minimize its impact on your health?
One approach is to stock up on antiviral herbs, which was the topic in a recent post: Herbs – Nature’s Antiviral Drugs (see Resources below). It is one of many strategies that offer help from outside your body.
Your internal resources – what your body can already do for you – are even more valuable, with one huge caveat. They have to be in good working order. Your entire immune system falls into that category.
Your immune system consists of a super complex array of cells and tissues. Future posts here will address different aspects of how immunity works and what you can do to make it work better.
For now I want to call your attention to a little known natural source of resistance to infection that is getting absolutely no play in the media. Or in mainstream medicine. Yet it could be the tipping point for how successful you are against COVID-19 and all other so-called infectious diseases.
A Powerful Substance in Your Blood Plasma
This substance I am referring to is a rare form of one of the most common elements in your body – hydrogen. Hydrogen exists in three forms. We have to get a little science-y for a moment to understand what they are and how one of them works against infectious disease.
The most common form of this element is ordinary hydrogen. It’s naturally abundant in your body as part of water: regular ol’ H2O. The most common form of this element is a single proton, maybe including an electron. Sometimes it is referred to as protium to distinguish it from the two rarer forms of hydrogen.
These two rarer forms are deuterium and tritium. Deuterium consists mostly of a proton and a neutron. Tritium is largely a proton and two neutrons. Tritium is extremely rare. It is the only isotope of hydrogen that is radioactive.
That’s all I have to say about tritium. The focus of this post is deuterium. Keep in mind that this isotope of hydrogen IS NOT radioactive.
You may not have heard about deuterium. After all it isn’t a common topic of conversation in polite society.
Deuterium is part of all organic molecules in your body. It also occurs in water molecules. It can be part of DHO or of D2O. Deuterated water is referred to as heavy water.
The natural abundance of deuterium varies among different sources. Everything we eat or drink contains it.
Our bodies handle deuterium differently depending on where it goes and what it does in cells. Typically a healthy level in blood plasma is around 150 parts per million (ppm). This just means that, for every million hydrogen atoms, 150 of them are deuterium. Blood plasma is where its value lies for resisting infection.
The metabolism of deuterium has been a hot topic for nearly a century. Nearly 25,000 articles about it are listed on PubMed.
What I’m more interested in explaining in this post concerns a key physical property of deuterium. That’s where the antimicrobial action is.
Light from Deuterium
Microbes of all kinds are particularly susceptible to UVC light. It kills them in a hurry.
The main “color” from a deuterium lamp is in the UVC region of ultraviolet light. Deuterium-UVC is an excellent way to disinfect any surface – except your skin. Well, it would disinfect your skin. It would also cause damage to skin cells and to your eyes. A handheld deuterium lamp was a valuable instrument in my research lab. It’s not something that I’d recommend for home use.
Naturally occurring UVC light from the sun gets filtered out by Earth’s atmosphere. This is a good thing, since UVC radiation is dangerous to living organisms – if it is absorbed from external sources.
However, deuterium provides an internal source of UVC light. It’s generated from deuterium in blood plasma.
Boosting Resistance in Blood Plasma
This is where our biology comes to the rescue (as it always does).
When UV light in the UVA and UVB regions of suhshine hits our skin, all kinds of wonderful things happen for good health. Warmth expands arterioles, turning skin color a little reddish (not a burn). This means that blood plasma gets brought up closer to the skin so it can be hit with enough UVA/UVB light to zap any deuterium floating by.
Deuterium responds, based on quantum field effects (“photonic pressure”) of UVA/UVB, to cause the deuterium to emit UVC light.
That statement alone summarizes how deuterium boosts resistance to infection.
You don’t have to grasp anything about quantum physics to know about it. All you have to know is that UVA/UVB light from sunshine is the direct energy source that drives the emission of UVC light from deuterium.
VOILA! Boosted resistance to infection!
Once Again – the Unsung Superheroes are…
If – and only if – you get enough sunshine on your skin to give those little guys the energy they need for zapping the bad actors that can otherwise infect you.
That’s what I mean by your biology coming to the rescue.
Of course, if you spend your life indoors, or outside covered in clothing, a hat, sunglasses, and – worst of all – sunblock, then all bets are off.
Are you worried about all the (mis)leading information you’ve had stuffed down your throat about the dangers of sunshine? It’s all a bunch of hooey.
Your ability to benefit from sunshine depends on building a good solar callus. The resource I provide below explains what that means and how to do it.
One More Thing:
You, and only you, have all the tools you need in your own biology for resisting infection by any microbe.
Deuterium in blood plasma is just one of many.
You may be surprised to learn what else nobody seems to be talking about in the mainstream media regarding how the outbreak got started and why it became a pandemic so fast.
Curious? If so, then take a look at what my new book tells you about it, here:
And do it ASAP.
All the best in natural health,
Dr. D
Thank you so much.
You’re very welcome, Corey. Glad to know you’re staying safe up there in my old stomping grounds.
Right on. Every day when we leave our house we are greeted by over 5,000 different viruses that our body handles quite nicely. It’s all about our immune system. Unfortunately many people have poor immune systems based on terrible lifestyle choices and pre-existing maladies based on these poor choices. We are 30 in the world as far as our health and longevity in the U.S. and we consume 60% of the drugs world wide. Boy is that a disconnect or what? Better health through Big Pharma is not working. So let’s fight the good fight by focusing on what we can control and that is bolstering our immune systems by giving it life sustaining nutrients and positive mental input. Thanks Dr Dennis for all you do!
Glad to hear from you again, Dr. T! Thank you for your kind comments. You’re spot on about what’s NOT working. Our own biology gives us all the tools we need for staying healthy. More to come!
Dennis (aka, Dr. D)
Thank you for your wonderful information. I met you just over 12 years ago when my husband was fighting Stage IV lung cancer and Dr. Joe Brown was administering his magical naturopathic treatments. We have lost touch with him – do you happen to know what he’s up to these days?
Thanks again – I enjoy your newsletters immensely and look forward to your next one.
Kim Gindera
Hi, Kim…Thank you for your comments. About Dr. Joe … he spent the greater part of the past 7 years in Russia – studying, lecturing, touring. He just returned for good earlier this year. along with a new bride (and a soon to appear little Joe or Josephine). He’s back in Tempe, although I don’t know what he is doing in setting up his practice again, in light of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Hi Dennis,
Is it possible to communicate with you directly?
Thanks much,
Sure, Karen. I’ve sent you an email on how to do so. ‘Chat’ with you soon. -Dennis