I’ve created my best-yet beef bone broth recipe. The most crucial ingredient, naturally, is organic marrow bones from grass-finished cows. There’s only one “surprise” ingredient that I’ve not found in any other recipe. The result is at least 10 times better than any commercial broth I’ve ever consumed. (Gee – do you think I might be biased?) [Read more…]
SPAM® a Health Food? You Bet
SPAM® might be the best-known ‘accidental’ health food out there. Creating a new health food wasn’t the intention of Hormel when the company created it in 1937. That all changed in 1998. [Read more…]
The Longevity Diet – Truths and Myths
The longevity diet is a doozy. Can it help lengthen lifespan? Yes – just not Methuselah-long, of course. Still good, in spite of its modernized flaws. [Read more…]
Prebiotic Foods – Better Than Supplements? Yup.
Prebiotic foods are already part of your diet. You might as well find out what they are and what they do for you so you can up your health game. [Read more…]
How to Choose a Nice Bone Broth Recipe – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
A good bone broth recipe gives you a near-miraculous double whammy. #1, it tastes great. #2, it improves your health by leaps and bounds. Yet buyer beware! [Read more…]
Do You Need a Fructan Intolerance Remedy? (It’s Not About Gluten)
Who needs a fructan intolerance remedy? Probably anyone with chronic gut pain, unexplained gas, bloating, or diarrhea. Here’s what you should know. [Read more…]
Eggs Are Bad Again? Latest Research BS
You can ignore the latest headlines about eggs and cholesterol – again. A recent study now getting attention from mainstream media has so many flaws that its conclusion is unwarranted – actually, it is ludicrous. The authors state that, “Among US adults, higher consumption of dietary cholesterol or eggs was significantly associated with higher risk of incident CVD [cardiovascular disease] and all-cause mortality in a dose-response manner. These results should be considered in the development of dietary guidelines and updates.”
Total BS!
Here is what you should know before you worry about eating eggs. [Read more…]
How To Choose A Truly Healthy Diet – Really!
Choosing a truly healthy diet can be a monumental source of confusion. Contradictory advice from so-called experts is all over the map. Differences among diets of long-lived, healthy people around the world also add to the mystery. Here are a few ideas for how you can sort it all out. [Read more…]
Simple Tartare Recipe for Steak or Tuna
This simple tartare recipe made for a delicious lunch on a recent Saturday. Unlike most recipes, virtually all of the time required is in preparation … since there is no cooking involved. My reasons behind creating tartare dishes of steak and tuna are twofold: 1) I am always up for a new epicurean adventure (see, e.g., Got a Good Recipe for Beef Liver or Heart Carpaccio?; and, 2) I am continually upgrading the health benefits of my diet (more on that later). [Read more…]
High Fructose Corn Syrup – Deadly Stuff
High fructose corn syrup may be one of the worst synthetic food additives in human history. That’s right – it is synthetic, not natural. And it is a poison. Here is what it does to you. [Read more…]