One of the super-bugs, the antibiotic-resistant bacteria that have arisen through the overuse of antibiotics, is on the loose. This one is called MRSA, which stands for “methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.” MRSA staph infections have become a nightmare.
MRSA first arose in hospitals in the 1960s. MRSA like this is now in the news because of its escape from hospitals and other healthcare institutions, into the community at large. Life-ruining and even fatal infections are increasing among otherwise healthy people, from high school and professional athletes, to housewives, children, and employees. The first time I heard of this super-bug was in an article in Sports Illustrated about the spread of infections among young athletes. The saddening stories in this article included one about a high school football player who contracted a seemingly minor skin infection and died within 7 days from the spread of MRSA.
Numerous articles are appearing in the news about this deadly bacterium. One of the best and most comprehensive descriptions that I have found of the medical details and symptoms of MRSA staph infections is by Dr. Mark Christensen: MRSA Staph Infections: Coming to a Workplace Near You. What is missing from this and virtually all other articles on MRSA is sound advice on natural solutions to this growing problem. I offer some below. What brings me to writing this article, however, is that modern medicine is launching an all-out blitz against MRSA, which is surely going to make matters worse.
New Research, Same Old Stupid Science
An article in our local newspaper on March 4, 2009, trumpets a brand new study in the search for a solution to MRSA. This study will cost $9 million in grants from government agencies, will take 5 years, and will involve about 3,000 patients. The core of this study will be to resurrect older antibiotics in hopes that something will work.
Keep in mind that methicillin resistance arose because of the over-use of methicillin. The current treatment of choice for MRSA is an antibiotic by the name of vanomycin. Hospital treatment entails using high levels of vanomycin intravenously for several days. It should be no surprise at all that, as of 1996, a new form of staph infection has started to appear in hospitals, first in Japan and now in the U.S. It is called VRSA.
Staphylococcus aureus is a wiley pathogen. Pathogenic bacteria typically are. Very few life-killing toxins will keep them down for long. It is only a matter of time before the latest mega-project to eradicate staph infections will enable the appearance of newer, even more resistant and increasingly deadly forms of this bacterium. This is stupid. Indeed, it fits the classic definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome.
Antibiotic Herbs to the Rescue
All plants produce antibiotics. They have to, because they are sitting ducks for infection without them. Modern medicine has failed to capitalize on this cornucopia because they are not sources of patentable drugs. Nevertheless, almost every herb that has ever been tested for antibiotic activity shows some. Certain herbs are more powerful than others.
The neat thing about natural antibiotics is that bacteria do not develop resistance to them in a mixture of at least three substances. Whole herb extracts, of course, typically contain dozens of substances that have some level of antibiotic activity. This is a general principle that applies not only to microbes but also to insect pests and to malignant tumors.
If medical researchers spent a fraction of the time and money on evaluating antibiotic herbal preparations for treating MRSA staph infections, we would have a much better chance of controlling this growing problem. In fact, the top 5 antibiotic herbs, based on activity and availability, are already well known in recent botanical research, so the stage is set for finding multiple good, cost-effective solutions. I’ve provided more details about these herbs below. Keep in mind that this is a short list taken from hundreds of herbs that are known to have antibiotic activity.
1. Creosote Bush: Larrea tridentata
The creosote bush (also known as chaparral tea) produces dozens of flavonoid-type natural products and secretes them into a resin on the surfaces of the leaves and stems. Antimicrobial activities are the foundation for numerous folk medical uses by Native Americans, including treatments for flu, cold sores, skin infections, sore throat, colds, and gonorrhea. Modern research shows the resin to be active against herpes and other viruses (including HIV), as well as against bacteria and fungi. If you live in any of the deserts of the southwest U.S. or adjacent Mexico, you can collect your own material from this plant.
Although plants are the original source of honey, this is technically an herb/animal combo product because of the role of bees. Nevertheless, recent research published in the Journal of Wound Care (September 2007, vol. 16 no. 8, pp. 325-328) showed that, “Full healing [with honey] was achieved in seven consecutive patients whose wounds were either infected or colonised with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Antiseptics and antibiotics had previously failed to eradicate the clinical signs of infection.” Wow!
3. Garlic: Allium sativum
Here is the title of a recent article in the British Journal of Biomedical Science (2004, vol. 61 no. 2, pp. 71-74): “Antibacterial activity of a new, stable, aqueous extract of allicin against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.” What this means that water was used to extract garlic, in such a way that it prevented the breakdown of the active ingredient (allicin). Don’t scientists use cool jargon? You can take advantage of this protocol by using a tea made tea from fresh garlic or by taping freshly ground garlic directly onto a wound. You just have to watch out for a rash that may be caused by the garlic itself.
4. Tea tree oil: Melaleuca alternifolia
This herb receives considerable attention for multiple antimicrobial uses. One report, in the Journal of Hospital Infections (April 2004, vol. 56 no. 4, pp. 283-286) compared tea tree oil with standard medical protocols. Tea tree treatment was more effective than chlorhexidine or silver sulfadiazine at clearing MRSA from superficial skin sites and skin lesions.
5. Grapefruit seed extract: Citrus paradisi
Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) has long been used in agriculture as a bactericide and fungicide, a mold inhibitor, an antiparasitic for animal feeds, a food preservative and antioxidant, and a water disinfectant. The wide variety of applications of GSE in human health has made this extract a popular supplement that is commonly available in nutrition stores. Regarding MRSA, one recent study in a journal called Burns (December 2004, vol. 30 no. 8, pp. 772-777) evaluated GSE as a potential component of dressings for preventing infections in burn patients. In this study the greatest anti-bacterial effects against MRSA came from a combination of GSE with geranium oil. This just shows how powerful mixtures of herbal products can be together.
All the best in natural health,
Statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Great Information Dr. D. Thanks for helping spread the word about the benefits of garlic (allicin) and grapeseed extract. I have a FREE 177 page ebook, “Allicin & Ginger, Natures Power Healers” by Peter Josling, available to all of your readers. Download it at
Colleen Stelmach
Hi, Colleen:
Thanks for the comment and link to the book by Peter Josling. I got a copy and scanned over it quickly and will dig into it in more detail later. It is full of great science, including some nice chemistry just for me! Garlic has always been high on my list of beneficial herbs, and I have spent a great deal of effort explaining its benefits to others. This always includes caution about making sure that the allicin content is still there.
All the best,
Dr. D
Along with MRSA, many significant infection-causing bacteria in the world are also becoming resistant to the most commonly prescribed antimicrobial treatments. Antimicrobial resistance occurs when bacteria change or adapt in a way that allows them to survive in the presence of antibiotics designed to kill them. In some cases bacteria become so resistant that no available antibiotics are effective against them. People infected with antibiotic-resistant organisms like MRSA are more likely to have longer and more expensive hospital stays, and may be more likely to die as a result of the infection. When the drug of choice for treating their infection doesn’t work, they require treatment with second- or third-choice medicines that may be less effective, more toxic and more expensive.
But there is a new weapon in the fight against MRSA. The Microcyn Technology ( is a safe-as-saline anti-infective that quickly eradicates a broad range of pathogens, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria (including MRSA and VRE), viruses, fungi and spores. In addition to killing the infection, the Microcyn also accelerates the wound-healing process by reducing inflammation in the wound and increasing nutrient-rich blood and oxygen flow to the wound bed. Twenty-five clinical studies have demonstrated Microcyn to be both safe and effective in killing pathogens. There’s an excellent doctor discussion of this new technology at YouTube:
Thanks, Doc! I checked out your youtube link, plus a couple of other videos that you posted. I encourage everyone to view them. The site has some excellent mainstream research articles in support of the Microcyn Technology, which is what I appreciate most. As you and I know, the salad days for antibiotics are over, and new technology and new integrative approaches are our only hope for staying healthy in the Age of the Super-Bugs.
All the best,
Dr. D
excuse my grammer but im just trying to help people out that have had the same problem i have had, im been dealing with stap infections for about 3 yrs. i have been to the dr.s numerous times, derm. , e-r, have been on all type of anti.s, creams, etc, well its gonna cost a few dollars but trust me it works, heres what cha gonna need, echinace, dandelion-golden seal, garlic capsules, centrium viatimins ,and silver biotics, u can get all thes for around $40.000, im not a promoter of sliver biotics i actually thought i was getting scamed out of my money when i did a lil research on it but when i used it i seen a big differnce in my boils draining, my boils healing up within a few days, i was using all of the other items i posted up 1st and waiting on my silver biotics to come in when i did some research on it i tried calling the herbal place in and canceling it but they said it was already being shipped but i seen great results using it im been using it for about a week now and the others for about 2 weeks , i take 2 chewable echinace a day its susposed to be great for you immune system i take 3 dandelion capsules, a day it has tumeric, red root,baybeery, yellow dock , whick is all susposed to be good for staphinfecion, fungul infections and other stuff, i also open one of the capsules every day and mix a lil bit of of it with lotion and rub it all over my body, and take my viatims daily. I dont have big big staph infections , its mostly like lil pimples some on my face and back but they hurt much more and when u try 2 pop them they get really really big ive had to go get them cut open before ever since im been on the silver biotics, and these others i can just pop them and they never get big at all they they drain im so happy with the results im seeing right now because im been so frusrated with the antibiots the dr.s had me on its like my body got ammune to bactrim, textrycline, cephelixn, kelflex they didnt work @ all the only time it worked was the 1st time i usded it im also washing my entire body with a bar of tea tree oil soap and my face is getting so clear and everything is clearing up so great so im just trying to help somebody that may be having the same problem i am having so try it all if all else doesnt work for you if u want to send me a e-mail i would be more then happy to answer any questions yall have , yall can e-mail me @ , k, thanx
Very happy for the way you explained this valuable information about mrsa. Thanks God and blessings to you for your good faith sharing. I know a case of ulcers in the mouth and down to the esophagus that got cured in three weeks, making mouth rinses with chaparral with peppermint. Believe it or not the lady had been a year in treatment with no results until she decided to try herb. Beautiful work Sir.
Wow, Wilfrido. Thank you so much for your kind words.
All the best,
I have MRSA and was given this antibiotic called sulfammethoxazole when i took the first dose man it tore my stomach up and i cant take this anymore im going to have to try herbs and start with garlic first until i can get money to get the rest thanks for the artical ,I knew there had to be herbs out there to cure MRSA.
Hi, Noel…You are welcome. Please also be aware of the importance of probiotic supplements for battling MRSA, too. You may want to start with a couple of weeks of the medical food called VSL3 (see:, then continue with an off the shelf (good) supplement.
All the best,
I was dying a slow death via mrsa and via physician. .I stopped all antibiotics they were not working anyway..I went to a naturopath she started me on a mostly raw vegan diet with distilled water one gallon a day,urine therapy as in treatment of skin via spray bottle with my own urine, raw living garlic water used internally and externally, colidiol silver used internally and externally, essential oil of thieves, oregano, geranium and tea tree mixed in distilled water and sprayed all over body including up nostrils twice a day..also supplements of essiac or e tea,red clover,colostrum, probiotic, trace menerl ,and high doses of vitamin c and one cup of turmeric (turmeric,almond milk,black pepper,cinamon,honey and flax seed oil)milk before bed..I still am fighting mrsa but no longer feel half dead and breakout boils are small and easy to kill,I am getting stronger the mrsa is getting weaker. .I plan to add chaperal after reading this article as I live in south west new Mexico. .
Hi, Rlene:
What a great example of taking the bull by the horns and figuring out your own solution. Your story is a great example for what is possible. We are both fortunate to live in a chaparral zone. I use the herb regularly myself. In fact, I have 3 large shrubs in my own yard. Thanks for you comment.
All the best,